Happy New Years Eve everyone! We wrapped the year up in style with a new addition to the family. My daughter gave birth to the newest member of the family at 2:33 Christmas morning. The little guy had some blood sugar problems and had to be put on IV in the NICU initially, he just wanted to get our attention.
Mom , Dad and baby are home now and everyone is doing well. We think we'll keep him!
While all this was going on I was trying to get my entry into the Will McLean song writing contest put together. I had plenty of time this year and still managed to screw myself up. I had added a little production to the tune, bass, mandolin, and some harmony vocals, it was really sounding great. I then went to download the application a few days before the deadline, and found some disturbing contest rules. Very specifically, they wanted just a solo recording of one voice and one instrument, no overdubs, plain Jane. So the set me back to square one. My initial tracks were recorded with the full arrangement in mind, so I had to re-record everything based on a solo type recording. This may sound easy, but at the time I was in charge of caring for a crazed boston terrier named Winston. He is not good in a studio environment. That, and with new baby missions to accomplish I found myself in the usual insane mad dash for the finish line. When Winston curled up next to me on my pillow wednesday morning and started snoring at 5am I knew that was a sign to get out of bed and hit the studio to get this finished without any dog barks or phone calls. So I wrapped it up and got it mailed a day before the deadline, thanks Winston.
Everyone have a great new year, we'll see you in 2011!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Since my daily count has gotten totally out of control I'll just start using the date instead. I can usually figure out what day it is.
We assembled last Saturday for a gig at the Sebastian Inlet and some impromptu Christmas festivities. Paul got pretty funky on the djembe with some sweet brush techniques, I think he was channeling Buddy Rich. Our favorite sound man / caterer, Steve Lowe, prepared some awesome food for us and then did sound for us at the gig, yes, another renaissance man.
We managed to get some recording done also. I'm working on mixing it down now and I should have things wrapped up in plenty of time to make the deadline. Michelle sang some of the finest harmonies I've ever heard and laid down some sweet bass also, she may just be a renaissance woman.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Don't give up when things seem difficult, if it was easy, anyone could do it!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Day ?
I don't even know what day it is I've been absent so long. I managed to finish up the tune I was working on. Tomorrow my band mate Michelle will be dropping in to lay down some bass and sweet harmony vocal parts. I can't wait for her to do her magic. The next move is to get Bob "Guitar" Bronar to lay down a little mandolin, that should sweeten it up just right. If he does a good enough job we'll change his middle name to mandolin.
The Ashley Gang will be playing at the Sebastian Inlet Sate Park Saturday night for their Night sounds at Sebastian Inlet series. We'll be playing from 7-9 on the south side of the inlet down at the point. Admission to the park is $8 for a car load of folks and that includes the music. It looks like it's going to be nice and warm tomorrow and the moon is almost full. It should be beautiful down on the water.
Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
A song writer is just a novelist with ADHD.
The Ashley Gang will be playing at the Sebastian Inlet Sate Park Saturday night for their Night sounds at Sebastian Inlet series. We'll be playing from 7-9 on the south side of the inlet down at the point. Admission to the park is $8 for a car load of folks and that includes the music. It looks like it's going to be nice and warm tomorrow and the moon is almost full. It should be beautiful down on the water.
Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
A song writer is just a novelist with ADHD.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Day One Hundred Thirteen
We had a great time at the gamble Rogers Memorial Celebration on Saturday. The weather was in full cooperation mode and it was great to get together with all of our musical compadres before the holiday madness sets in.
It looks like our good weather luck has run out, they're predicting a serious cold snap tonight and the next few days, We're supposed to get down to 32 degrees tonight, that's cold for this time of year. We don't usually see these kind of temperatures until January or February. Oh well, maybe it will get me into the holiday spirit.
I'm going to take off for a couple of days from the blog to concentrate on this song that's been brewing. I don't seem to have the time to work, blog, write songs, and record them with the 24 hours which are allotted to me each day. So somethings got to give. I'll be back when I've got this beast tamed.
Until my return, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"I am definitely going to take a course on time management... just as soon as I can work it into my schedule." - Louis E. Boone
It looks like our good weather luck has run out, they're predicting a serious cold snap tonight and the next few days, We're supposed to get down to 32 degrees tonight, that's cold for this time of year. We don't usually see these kind of temperatures until January or February. Oh well, maybe it will get me into the holiday spirit.
I'm going to take off for a couple of days from the blog to concentrate on this song that's been brewing. I don't seem to have the time to work, blog, write songs, and record them with the 24 hours which are allotted to me each day. So somethings got to give. I'll be back when I've got this beast tamed.
Until my return, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"I am definitely going to take a course on time management... just as soon as I can work it into my schedule." - Louis E. Boone
cold weather,
Gamble Rogers memorial,
song writing
Friday, December 3, 2010
Day One Hundred Twelve
Friday has arrived, and not a moment to soon. I'll be heading to Flagler beach tomorrow to rendezvous with a band of desperadoes for some music making and good times. Our percussionist, "The Most Dangerous Man in Folk Music" is under the weather so he wont be making the scene. Now that the cold and flu season has fully enveloped the country, it's very important to time your illness so as not to interfere with scheduled gigs. Yes, this will go on his permanent record.
This takes years of training, and you have to learn how to infect yourself at just the right time, calculating incubation and recovery time. I'll be devoting an entire chapter to this in my upcoming book, 'How To Survive In The Post Apocalyptic Folk Music Business". I'm fairly certain it would have made the New York Times best seller list, but by the time I finish it, there probably wont be a New York anymore.
Until Next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Some people worry about the end of the world, I am more concerned that it will go on just as it is forever.
This takes years of training, and you have to learn how to infect yourself at just the right time, calculating incubation and recovery time. I'll be devoting an entire chapter to this in my upcoming book, 'How To Survive In The Post Apocalyptic Folk Music Business". I'm fairly certain it would have made the New York Times best seller list, but by the time I finish it, there probably wont be a New York anymore.
Until Next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Some people worry about the end of the world, I am more concerned that it will go on just as it is forever.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day One Hundred Eleven
Preparations for the Gamble Rogers Memorial Celebration this saturday have begun here in Pretzel Stick land. I'm working on remembering a tune we recorded a while back called "The Haunting"which was written as a tribute to Gamble. I never had the opportunity to meet the man, and in my usual way, would probably not have taken full advantage of the situation had it happened. If regrets were riches we'd all be wearing diamonds. And while he may be gone from the land of the living, he still has quite a presence in the oldest city. It's hard to walk through the streets of St. Augustine and not be reminded of the man. So on Saturday we'll get together with a bunch of our music making friends and let the good times roll. I'm sure Gamble would approve.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
OK, I searched for an appropriate word to the wise and couldn't find a good one, so drive safely.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
OK, I searched for an appropriate word to the wise and couldn't find a good one, so drive safely.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Day One Hundred Ten
Not much to report today. I'm still working on this new tune, about the time I get it all ironed out I'll probably decide it's not tickling my fancy and ditch it. But I'll see it through to the end and then make my decision. I have a hard time writing songs specifically about Florida, they seem to always turn into some kind of cliche' before there through. And one thing I don't like is a cliche', maybe it's because the word is so French.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
“I am going to St. Petersburg, Florida, tomorrow. Let the worthy citizens of Chicago get their liquor the best they can. I'm sick of the job-it's a thankless one and full of grief. I've been spending the best years of my life as a public benefactor.”
Al Capone
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
“I am going to St. Petersburg, Florida, tomorrow. Let the worthy citizens of Chicago get their liquor the best they can. I'm sick of the job-it's a thankless one and full of grief. I've been spending the best years of my life as a public benefactor.”
Al Capone
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Day One Hundred Nine
I'm progressing nicely with my studies here at Pretzel Stick Studio. I just finished chapter six which dealt with programming drums in Ultrabeat, this is Logics drum program. Actually a very cool program, it lays out a grid based on the tempo of your project. Then you assign your choice of various drum kits to the grid, logic has quite a few different drum kits to choose from. After you've selected which kit your going to use you just click on the squares, each square on the grid represent one beat, and it inserts the selected sound. After you get your basic beat down you can then open it in the piano roll editor, which is just a midi editor that looks like an old fashioned piano role sheet where holes in the paper trigger the note to be played, there you can run a humanize function to make it sound less mechanical. It's really a pretty interesting process, and the results are very realistic. It's like having a drummer without having to feed him.
I'm also working on a new tune that's giving me a hard time. This is one of those Florida tunes, I'm hoping to get it wrapped up and recorded in time to send into the Will McLean songwriting contest at the end of December. Wish me luck.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.
Lily Tomlin
I'm also working on a new tune that's giving me a hard time. This is one of those Florida tunes, I'm hoping to get it wrapped up and recorded in time to send into the Will McLean songwriting contest at the end of December. Wish me luck.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.
Lily Tomlin
Monday, November 29, 2010
Day One Hundred Eight
The Thanksgiving holiday is over for another year, now there's something to be thankful for. I love a good meal, but the Thanksgiving feast has taken on such monsterous proportions it just turns me off anymore. I guess I'm a man of simple pleasures. And all the over indulgance on turkey day only serves to remind me that my next least favorite holiday is just around the corner. Consumer Day, referred to by some as Christmas, which believe it or not , was once a religous holiday. It has now been transformed into a mass frenzy at virtually every retail outlet in the world. Wouldn't Jesus be proud!
Even with the world economy in a state of free fall, and North Korea having a showdown with South Korea, the sales adds in the paper take up twice the paper that the news does. I guess it all comes down to priorities. So while most Americans have more crap than they know what to do with, and their closets are full of mystery items from last Consumer Day, let's all run out and do it again.
And don't forget the decorations, an integral part of this madness. The same folks who have diligently kept the thermostat at eighty degrees all summer to save electricity, and scolded the kids for not turning off the lights when they leave the room. The same guy who told his wife to hang the clothes on a line in the yard instead of using the dryer will now be plugging in a million extra decorative lights and all kinds of crazy inflatable lawn characters. On a silent night you can step out on the front lawn and hear the electric meters buzzing away. Oh yea, that's the sound of the holidays. It's also the sound of global warming.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Oh look, yet another Christmas TV special! How touching to have the meaning of Christmas brought to us by cola, fast food, and beer. Who'd have ever guessed that product consumption, popular entertainment, and spirituality would mix so harmoniously?" ~ Bill Watterson in Calvin and Hobbes
Even with the world economy in a state of free fall, and North Korea having a showdown with South Korea, the sales adds in the paper take up twice the paper that the news does. I guess it all comes down to priorities. So while most Americans have more crap than they know what to do with, and their closets are full of mystery items from last Consumer Day, let's all run out and do it again.
And don't forget the decorations, an integral part of this madness. The same folks who have diligently kept the thermostat at eighty degrees all summer to save electricity, and scolded the kids for not turning off the lights when they leave the room. The same guy who told his wife to hang the clothes on a line in the yard instead of using the dryer will now be plugging in a million extra decorative lights and all kinds of crazy inflatable lawn characters. On a silent night you can step out on the front lawn and hear the electric meters buzzing away. Oh yea, that's the sound of the holidays. It's also the sound of global warming.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Oh look, yet another Christmas TV special! How touching to have the meaning of Christmas brought to us by cola, fast food, and beer. Who'd have ever guessed that product consumption, popular entertainment, and spirituality would mix so harmoniously?" ~ Bill Watterson in Calvin and Hobbes
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Day One Hundred Seven
I realize that I was MIA on day one hundred six, I have a good excuse, really! I had visiting dignitaries in from out of town and had to entertain them in the only way I know how. I prepared my world famous chicken cacciatore to rave reviews. We also managed to polish off a bottle and a half of wine. I was very close to crossing my threshold for insane ramblings and sharing my personal philosopies. Fortunately my govenor kicked in before I had to be sent to my room. It's almost to bad, because normally, I have no idea what I'm thinking, and it's good to check in with myself every now and then for an update.
I gave them the studio tour and it turns out this particular dignitary is using the same program for recording that I am. Yes, a fellow studio nerd! So he picked my brain a little bit, and I passed on what I thought was any helpful advice I could think of. One thing I've learned as I have travelled down the rocky road of music production is this, you only need to have one thing to make great sounding recordings, MONEY! If you've got plenty of that, the rest is cake.
Tomorrow I'll be celebrating Thanksgiving, so I'll not be reporting in.
Until Friday, here's your Thanksgiving words of wisdom:
Why did they let the turkey join the band?
Because he had the drumsticks.
I gave them the studio tour and it turns out this particular dignitary is using the same program for recording that I am. Yes, a fellow studio nerd! So he picked my brain a little bit, and I passed on what I thought was any helpful advice I could think of. One thing I've learned as I have travelled down the rocky road of music production is this, you only need to have one thing to make great sounding recordings, MONEY! If you've got plenty of that, the rest is cake.
Tomorrow I'll be celebrating Thanksgiving, so I'll not be reporting in.
Until Friday, here's your Thanksgiving words of wisdom:
Why did they let the turkey join the band?
Because he had the drumsticks.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Day One Hundred Five
What a great weekend! The weather was perfect for the Ormond Riverfest. Sunny with a high of about eighty and cool breezes blowing from the north all weekend.
I actually got to see a few other folks play music this time. We're usually so busy running around from one set to the next and getting in some over due practice sessions we don't get to hear anyone else play. The leisurely schedule was greatly appreciated. Thanks to Chuck and Pat Spano and all the Ormond Beach Main Street folks for all the hard work involved in putting this event together. It was great!
I was approached by a woman after our last set on Sunday who told me she got goose bumps when we did "I'm an American", she said she has never heard a song quite like it. She apparently is well connected in the radio business and is a personal friend of Glen Beck, you can probably see where this is going now. Well anyway, she is convinced that this song has the potential to propel my musical career into the stratosphere. While I don't like the idea of selling out, my options for retiring comfortably are looking more limited all the time. So bring on the Bud Light commercials, I'm ready!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Confidence is the feeling you sometimes have before you fully understand the situation.
I actually got to see a few other folks play music this time. We're usually so busy running around from one set to the next and getting in some over due practice sessions we don't get to hear anyone else play. The leisurely schedule was greatly appreciated. Thanks to Chuck and Pat Spano and all the Ormond Beach Main Street folks for all the hard work involved in putting this event together. It was great!
I was approached by a woman after our last set on Sunday who told me she got goose bumps when we did "I'm an American", she said she has never heard a song quite like it. She apparently is well connected in the radio business and is a personal friend of Glen Beck, you can probably see where this is going now. Well anyway, she is convinced that this song has the potential to propel my musical career into the stratosphere. While I don't like the idea of selling out, my options for retiring comfortably are looking more limited all the time. So bring on the Bud Light commercials, I'm ready!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Confidence is the feeling you sometimes have before you fully understand the situation.
I'm an American,
Ormond Beach Riverfest,
selling out
Friday, November 19, 2010
Day One Hundred Four
Today I recieved in the mail the Will McLean Foundation compilation CD, "Soul of the Hawk." I haven't yet had a chance to listen to it but as I drive up to Ormond Beach tomorrow I'll have a good chance to review. The songs included on the disc are the top three song contest winners from the years 2006 -2010. Our good friend and engineering guru Ron Litschauer put the collection together and mastered it, so I know it's going to sound great.
If your looking for somewhere to spend a beautiful fall day tomorrow head for Ormond Beach and hang out with us on the river.
Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Don't pet the dog.
Pinkard & Bowden
If your looking for somewhere to spend a beautiful fall day tomorrow head for Ormond Beach and hang out with us on the river.
Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Don't pet the dog.
Pinkard & Bowden
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Day One Hundred Three
From the looks of the world economy I'd say it's a great time to be a billionaire. I think when they say the recession is over they're referring to that 0.00014 percent of the U.S. population. Yes that's the actual percentage of Billionaires in the U.S. Now the same greedy bastards are cashing in there silver and gold futures for actual metal, unfortunately there is a lot more metal on paper than there is in the vaults. This is what us folks on the streets call TROUBLE! It's kind of like lying, but much classier and more profitable. "In times of economic uncertainty Silver can be very difficult to get as Silver is the money of the common person." That's a quote I really like. I pulled it out of an article on the curent silver market. If silver is the money of the common person than that makes me something less than common. Because I sure don't have any of this common currency on hand.
2009 will be remembered by millions of ordinary people as the year they lost their job, their house, or the prospect of an education. For the rich, however, it was a bonanza.
The world’s billionaires saw their wealth grow by 50 percent last year, and their ranks swell to 1,011, from 793, according to the latest Forbes list of billionaires. Oh yea, it's a great time to be a billionaire!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
October: This is one of the particularly dangerous months to invest in stocks. Other dangerous months are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.
— Mark Twain
2009 will be remembered by millions of ordinary people as the year they lost their job, their house, or the prospect of an education. For the rich, however, it was a bonanza.
The world’s billionaires saw their wealth grow by 50 percent last year, and their ranks swell to 1,011, from 793, according to the latest Forbes list of billionaires. Oh yea, it's a great time to be a billionaire!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
October: This is one of the particularly dangerous months to invest in stocks. Other dangerous months are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.
— Mark Twain
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Day One Hundred and Two
A long time ago in a land far away there was an average guy with an average family who held an average job. After years of being average he decided he wanted something more, so he packed his things one day and said goodbye to everyone he knew. His family couldn't believe it, all they could do was wonder what snapped inside his average head. His friends all said, yea, we saw this coming, we just didn't know when it would happen.
So Mr. Average travelled the world in search of the thing he was sure was missing in his life. He visited every continent, some twice, but the thing just couldn't be found. He hooked up with women from all over, most of them thinking he was a wealthy American. He married some of them, sometimes without knowing it, the language barrier can really trip you up. They eventually discovered he was just an average American, not a wealthy one, and left him a little poorer than they had found him.
Eventually what money he did have ran out, and with it, the kindness of his so called friends. Now old and tired and unable to take care of himself, he wanted to go home. The family he had left behind so many years ago would take him in he thought. They'd have mercy on him in his old age and forgive him for his indiscretions. And it was there, sitting in a wheelchair in an airport far from his home and everyone he knew he finally realized what it was that he had been searching for. The life he had run away from.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Day One Hundred and One
Well my new advice column isn't really taking off like I had hoped it would. I guess most folks who know me realize my advice is worth exactly what it costs to get it. So I'll move on to my next brain storm.
I'm up to chapter four on my home studies. We're getting into MIDI recording and editing now, and I don't know how much I'll use this in my normal recording process, but it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve for those studio emergencies.
We've got the Ormond River Fest coming up this weekend. Two days of music and fun right on the river in Ormond Beach. It just doesn't get any better than that.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
I'm up to chapter four on my home studies. We're getting into MIDI recording and editing now, and I don't know how much I'll use this in my normal recording process, but it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve for those studio emergencies.
We've got the Ormond River Fest coming up this weekend. Two days of music and fun right on the river in Ormond Beach. It just doesn't get any better than that.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"They mis-underestimated me." -George W. Bush (president?)
bad advice,
MIDI editing,
Ormond Beach Riverfest
Monday, November 15, 2010
Day One Hundred
I made it, 100 days of this free form insanity. I think in celebration of this land mark event I'm going to introduce a new feature to the blog called "Ask Al". So if you've got any questions rolling around in your head that you can't seem to find a satisfactory answer to, bring them on. It can be a musical quandary, or perhaps there is a personal issue that you need a new perspective on, I'm your man. And if I can't find the answer to your question or come up with the advice you need to get your life back on track, you can bet I'll make something up that will make you wonder why you asked me in the first place. So there it is, happy 100th.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
“In a letter to "Dear Abby" a reader complained that a gay couple was
moving in across the street and wanted to know what he could do to
improve the quality of the neighborhood.
Her suggestion - 'You could move.'”
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
“In a letter to "Dear Abby" a reader complained that a gay couple was
moving in across the street and wanted to know what he could do to
improve the quality of the neighborhood.
Her suggestion - 'You could move.'”
Friday, November 12, 2010
Day Ninety Nine
Ninety nine! I'm no math whiz, but if my calculations are correct, my next entry will mean I've been annoying innocent folks for one hundred editions of this blog. If anyone's still hanging in there, you obviously don't bore easily.
If you attempted to listen to the music player I had on the blog, you may have noticed it was pretty crappy. It was my first attempt at adding a player to the site, and I think I have found something better. I've also edited the song a bit to allow for the MP3 format which tends to sound a bit thin when played through a computers speakers. So I added little more reverb and and beefed up the bass frequencies a bit.
I also added a few new musical ideas to the mix, give it a listen.
Have a great weekend, until next week here's your daily dose of wisdom:
You can't make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you're doing is recording it.
Art Buchwald
If you attempted to listen to the music player I had on the blog, you may have noticed it was pretty crappy. It was my first attempt at adding a player to the site, and I think I have found something better. I've also edited the song a bit to allow for the MP3 format which tends to sound a bit thin when played through a computers speakers. So I added little more reverb and and beefed up the bass frequencies a bit.
I also added a few new musical ideas to the mix, give it a listen.
Have a great weekend, until next week here's your daily dose of wisdom:
You can't make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you're doing is recording it.
Art Buchwald
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day Ninety Eight
Another Veterans day has come and gone, and we're still sending kids off to be shot at by folks who under different circumstances would sit down together and shoot the breeze over a cold brew. It's to bad we haven't learned to be a little more respectful of life.
This weekend the Ashley Trio will be playing at the Erna Nixon Park Moonlight Stroll. That would be Norm McDonald, Bob Bronar and Me. The park shuttles folks in from the Melbourne Mall west parking lot and music fills the park from various overlooks on the board walk. It's a fun and inexpensive event.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
“There was never a good war or a bad peace.” | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Day Ninety Seven
Not much to report today. I worked on some recording stuff in the morning then worked down at the cabinet shop for about half the day.
I think the whole world is moving in slow motion these days. Every project I've started lately is dragging on waiting for materials to be delivered. I think the economy has got suppliers running inventories close to the bone. And I saw an article today saying the Florida real estate market wont get back to 2006 prices until 2030! Holy crap Marie, we're in for the long haul. I think I'm going to buy some stock in Spam and Beanie Weenies, those items will be staples soon.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Day Ninety Six
I started the day off right with a brisk motorcycle ride into work, the temperature was perfect and the sun was shining. This is the time of year when everyone from New Jersey wants to pack up there golf clubs and head for Florida, how can you blame them.
I'm slowly working my way through the Apple Pro Training course for Logic Pro 8. I'm pretty familiar with most of the operations so far, but the short cuts and key commands to speed things up are a real help. I'm sure I'll eventually get into some uncharted territory, a little brain exercise never hurt anyone.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. ~Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
I'm slowly working my way through the Apple Pro Training course for Logic Pro 8. I'm pretty familiar with most of the operations so far, but the short cuts and key commands to speed things up are a real help. I'm sure I'll eventually get into some uncharted territory, a little brain exercise never hurt anyone.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. ~Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
acoustic music,
words of wisdom
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day Ninety Five & Weekend Report
The weather was just awesome this weekend, anytime I'm not sweating and swatting mosquito's I'm a happy man. Friday evening The Gang played at the Sebastian Library, we were competing with the annual Sebastian Clambake, but we had a great crowd just the same. These old fish haven't started stinking yet!
Saturday we played at the Barberville Fall Jamboree in beautiful Barberville, Fl. The air was cool and delicious and the sun was shining all day, it just doesn't get any better than that. The head honcho caught us as we were coming through the gate and asked if we'd like to do an additional set, I'm a pushover, so naturally I said yes. It gave us about an hour to find everyone and fake our way through a set, it went just great. The depot stage was being run by our friend Steve Waters from M. T. Pawketts productions, and he did a fantastic job with our sound, Thanks Steve, your our hero. Our last set was at 4:00 on the family stage and since we had some special guests show up, Paul and Kay's grandsons, we closed the set with our new crowd pleaser sing along, Yo Ho.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Autumn would be the perfect time of year if it weren't for those pesky holidays.
Saturday we played at the Barberville Fall Jamboree in beautiful Barberville, Fl. The air was cool and delicious and the sun was shining all day, it just doesn't get any better than that. The head honcho caught us as we were coming through the gate and asked if we'd like to do an additional set, I'm a pushover, so naturally I said yes. It gave us about an hour to find everyone and fake our way through a set, it went just great. The depot stage was being run by our friend Steve Waters from M. T. Pawketts productions, and he did a fantastic job with our sound, Thanks Steve, your our hero. Our last set was at 4:00 on the family stage and since we had some special guests show up, Paul and Kay's grandsons, we closed the set with our new crowd pleaser sing along, Yo Ho.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Autumn would be the perfect time of year if it weren't for those pesky holidays.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day Ninety Four
Hallelujah, we had rain today! According to the National Weather Service this has been the driest October on record here in the sunburn state. My garden is rejoicing in the gloriousness of it all, I can almost hear my beets singing.
I should be preparing for tomorrow nights gig at the Sebastian Library right now, but first things first. The blog must go on. Speaking of that, I'll probably be MIA for tomorrow's edition. The troops are coming over for the library gig and I'm sure will be deep into music land until we retire. We are also playing Saturday at the Barberville Fall Jamboree, it's a two day festival but we'll only be there for Saturday. The weather should be great, so get out and do something fun.

Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees.
David Letterman
I should be preparing for tomorrow nights gig at the Sebastian Library right now, but first things first. The blog must go on. Speaking of that, I'll probably be MIA for tomorrow's edition. The troops are coming over for the library gig and I'm sure will be deep into music land until we retire. We are also playing Saturday at the Barberville Fall Jamboree, it's a two day festival but we'll only be there for Saturday. The weather should be great, so get out and do something fun.

Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees.
David Letterman
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Day Ninety Three
It's finally over, and not a moment to soon, I'm referring to the recent elections. I've never seen so many folks lose their minds during a mid term election before. Now that it's over we can get back to the reality of knowing that no matter who we elect, they're number one priority will be to make sure they don't leave capitol hill until they've socked away a few million bucks for themselves. It's standard operating procedure, heck, it may even be a law. Now that the republicans have moved up the food chain I can't wait to see them brainstorm us out of this crappy economy. It's funny how these guys always know what needs to be done until they're elected. I read somewhere the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect to get different results. Welcome to Crazy Ville!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back.
...Charlie Brown
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back.
...Charlie Brown
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Day Ninety Two
I recently ordered a book from Amazon.com from the Apple Pro Training series on Logic Pro 8. Logic Pro 8 is the recording software I use in my home studio. I thought I may as well try to learn something correctly rather than faking it as I usually do, I guess this would be considered home schooling. The book arrived today and looks to be very well organized, with a DVD of exercises and lessons. I took a quick look through the first chapter, since I've been using this program for a while I already had a pretty good handle on a lot of the basic information. But I have vowed to take it all in and not let my ADHD get the better of me. I'm hoping I'll glean some valuable knowledge that I might not otherwise be exposed to, I have already noticed the first session involves a rap style song made from loops. We don't usually do this in acoustic music, it should be fun!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Your never to old to learn something new.
Father Time
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Your never to old to learn something new.
Father Time
Monday, November 1, 2010
Day Ninety One and the Weekend Update
I'll start off with Friday's adventures. I worked all day in Cabinet Land, not much adventure there. Friday evening we made our way down to Vero Beach to hear our good friends The Frank, Patty, and Gary Trio, they were playing at Bodega Blue. Frank can play almost anything with strings on it, and he does it all well, Patty is a great vocalist and guitar player and Gary plays bass with Patti and Frank when he's not playing with the Brevard Symphony Orchestra. The did a great job as always. The place has some really tasty food and a beer selection that would blow your mind. They have a great line up of musicians passing through their doors, make sure to check it out if your in the area.
Saturday, Bob "Guitar" Bronar and I worked on getting the kinks out of our sound system. We have two eight channel boards and when the entire Gang shows up we need to link them together to have enough channels for everyone. We've never been able to make this work as intended, but with a little patience and a lot of head scratching, we figured it out. Now we have sixteen channels to work with, bring on the pips.
Sunday brought in some cooler air, so I got out in the yard and did some bush whacking. After avoiding most outdoor activities for the entire summer, it was in need of some reigning in. I wore myself out dragging giant palm fronds out to the curb. I did my best not to get stabbed by those deadly thorns from the Canary Island Palms, I think you could really do someone in with those things.
I guess that's enough for now, until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B. ~"Fats" Domino
Saturday, Bob "Guitar" Bronar and I worked on getting the kinks out of our sound system. We have two eight channel boards and when the entire Gang shows up we need to link them together to have enough channels for everyone. We've never been able to make this work as intended, but with a little patience and a lot of head scratching, we figured it out. Now we have sixteen channels to work with, bring on the pips.
Sunday brought in some cooler air, so I got out in the yard and did some bush whacking. After avoiding most outdoor activities for the entire summer, it was in need of some reigning in. I wore myself out dragging giant palm fronds out to the curb. I did my best not to get stabbed by those deadly thorns from the Canary Island Palms, I think you could really do someone in with those things.
I guess that's enough for now, until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B. ~"Fats" Domino
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day Ninety
Ninety days of the blog, I wonder how much longer I can keep this up? It's kind of like having a daily exercise routine, you know it's good for you, but you there are days you just don't want to do it. Especially when you can't possibly have something exciting to write about every day, so you write about dog crap and crown molding. I guess I've hit the bottom of the barrel. It's time for me to join Bloggers Anonymous.
I'm going to let you off easy tonight, and hope that tomorrow brings some serious excitement my way so I'll have something to write about. Until tomorrow, her's your daily words of wisdom:
"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures."
-George W. Bush
I'm going to let you off easy tonight, and hope that tomorrow brings some serious excitement my way so I'll have something to write about. Until tomorrow, her's your daily words of wisdom:
"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures."
-George W. Bush
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Day Eighty Nine
Today was crown molding day, oh man, what a pain! That stuff looks great but it can be a bear to put up. Especially when it's all pre-finished, things have got to go together right. The customer not only wanted it on the cabinets but wanted it to wrap around the entire kitchen. Needless to say, I'm in recovery right now. I'll probably dream about some kind of man eating mitre saw tonight. Watch those fingers!
I've had absolutely no time for music lately, and it's starting to piss me off. I was on a real roll during the summer sabatical, wrote a couple tunes and got myself up to speed in the studio. Now I'm back to work and I have to say, I sure do miss the good old days. Oh well, this prosperity can't last forever.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I've had absolutely no time for music lately, and it's starting to piss me off. I was on a real roll during the summer sabatical, wrote a couple tunes and got myself up to speed in the studio. Now I'm back to work and I have to say, I sure do miss the good old days. Oh well, this prosperity can't last forever.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Day Eighty Eight
I installed a kitchen today in Vero Beach, on the east side of the river. The Indian river is much like the Mexican/American border, on the east side we have the well to do affluent type, we'll call them Americans. On the west side of the river things get a little more real, we'll say this is the Mexican side. While there is no actual border or armed guards with drug sniffing dogs, you can bet that when the sun starts to set on this little strip of artificial abundance, the local law enforcement officers keep a close eye on any vehicle manufactured in America prior to 2008. After all, what self respecting millionaire would be seen in one of those.
At the end of the day we pack up our tools and head for Mexico. And as John Denver said so eloquently, "Hey it's good to be back home again."
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom;
"I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof."
Rodney Dangerfield
At the end of the day we pack up our tools and head for Mexico. And as John Denver said so eloquently, "Hey it's good to be back home again."
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom;
"I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof."
Rodney Dangerfield
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day Eighty Seven & Weekend Update
Sorry I was MIA on Friday, it was a long day and I was toasted by the time I got finished with all my duties. That's just how it goes sometimes.
I had to dog sit my daughters dog Winston this weekend, he's a Boston Terrier and quite a character. I'm not use to having a animal around the house, and this guy needs serious adult supervision. He enjoys stealing kleenex out of the trash can and having you chase him around the house to get it away from him, which is not always a successful mission. He usually manages to consume some of the stuff before he's apprehended, which leads to an even more exciting phenomenon, which we call "Code Brown." Yes, it's just as bad as it sounds. He becomes completely immobilized during a code brown episode, and will not move an inch until one of his human assistants extracts the offending kleenex laden tootsie roll from his nether regions. You know he was having a good weekend because this happened twice while in our care. Maybe we're just not cut out for this kind of work. I think we're being tested for grandparent duties, and I'm not sure if we're passing the test.
Winston in his Snuggie
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Man is rated the highest animal, at least among all animals who returned the questionnaire. ~Robert Brault,
I had to dog sit my daughters dog Winston this weekend, he's a Boston Terrier and quite a character. I'm not use to having a animal around the house, and this guy needs serious adult supervision. He enjoys stealing kleenex out of the trash can and having you chase him around the house to get it away from him, which is not always a successful mission. He usually manages to consume some of the stuff before he's apprehended, which leads to an even more exciting phenomenon, which we call "Code Brown." Yes, it's just as bad as it sounds. He becomes completely immobilized during a code brown episode, and will not move an inch until one of his human assistants extracts the offending kleenex laden tootsie roll from his nether regions. You know he was having a good weekend because this happened twice while in our care. Maybe we're just not cut out for this kind of work. I think we're being tested for grandparent duties, and I'm not sure if we're passing the test.
Winston in his Snuggie
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Man is rated the highest animal, at least among all animals who returned the questionnaire. ~Robert Brault,
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Day Eighty Six
I mailed in my ballot today, it's so much easier than going to the polls. Plus it gives you the opportunity to check out the background of the scoundrels running for office. I usually spend a few hours on the internet looking up the candidates I'm not familiar with, then I put all the names in a hat and have my wife pull out the winners. It's a very scientific technique developed by a housewife from Brooklyn, New York, who would eventually go on to invent the game of bingo. OK, I just made that up, but the point being that all the stuff those guys running for office have been saying for the past two months is just as true as my bingo story. And let's face it, you'd never vote for a guy like me!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
George W Bush
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
George W Bush
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day Eighty Five
Another day in cabinet land today. Our mission was to tear out an old kitchen from a second floor condo and haul the mess away. I'm pretty sure that they were the original cabinets, probably been there for twenty years. They were originally a medium brown wood cabinet but some creative soul decided they'd look better in a sky blue color. As grandpa used to say "To each his own". We were finished by noon, it takes a lot less time to tear a kitchen out than it does to put one in. That's Friday's mission, to install the new cabinets.
In other news, the fall garden is looking pretty good. The green beans are starting to climb the trellis, my beets have popped out of the ground, and the carrots are starting to get those fuzzy carrot leaves going on.
I make my own compost with kitchen scraps and use it in the garden to sweeten up the soil. I usually get a few renegade vegetables from the seeds in the compost, this time I have a bunch of tomato plants and some garlic plants. I've never grown garlic before, but it sounds like a good idea.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Weather means more when you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. ~Marcelene Cox
In other news, the fall garden is looking pretty good. The green beans are starting to climb the trellis, my beets have popped out of the ground, and the carrots are starting to get those fuzzy carrot leaves going on.
I make my own compost with kitchen scraps and use it in the garden to sweeten up the soil. I usually get a few renegade vegetables from the seeds in the compost, this time I have a bunch of tomato plants and some garlic plants. I've never grown garlic before, but it sounds like a good idea.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Weather means more when you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. ~Marcelene Cox
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day Eighty Four
Not much to report today, I got another flyer from that Rubio character. It's funny he's campaigning on fiscal responsibility and pointing out how wasteful the government is. You'd think he was some kind of financial genius who knows the way out of this mess. Unfortunately, one look at his financial history will tell you he's not going to be anyones savior. You may as well vote for him though, at least he looks good on TV. I'm almost sure that's how this thing works, everything is just another American Idol. Where's Simon when you need him!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Everything is changing, people are taking their comedians seriously
and the politicians as a joke.
Will Rogers
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Everything is changing, people are taking their comedians seriously
and the politicians as a joke.
Will Rogers
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day Eighty Three & Weekend Update
Friday we meandered up to Daytona Beach for the Biketoberfest activities. The weather was perfect and it actually felt a bit chilly at times, it's been a long time since that's happened around here. We took the long road and stopped at the Osteen Diner for a breakfast sandwich and coffee. The place was packed with folks who apparently had the same idea. We were the odd balls riding BMW's, everyone else had the standard leather vest and straight piped Harley's.
From there we headed to Speedway Blvd, and out to the BMW dealership, which is just over the bridge from Main Street. After scoping out all the new bikes there we crossed the bridge and found a parking spot. Strolling down Main Street is where you get the real feel of this event. It seemed pretty mild on Friday, but there are times when it looks like a real freak show. You can tell the condition of the economy by the number of old sea hags dressed in body webs. Needless to say, the leading economic indicator was way down this year.
We headed for home pretty early in the afternoon, while we still had the strength. It was an overall great day to be out in the wind. We made it home safely with a minor sun burn as our only injury.
Saturday Guitar Bob Bronar and I played at the Old Florida Days at Erna Nixon Park in Melbourne, and we managed to have a good time. A woman and her husband approached us after we had finished playing to say they really liked our stuff. Turns out she is a published author who writes romance novels for Harlequin and thought one of my tunes would be great for a book trailer of her upcoming book. It would sure be my #1 claim to fame if it were to actually transpire. They bought a few CD's and we exchanged cards. I'm sure we'll see them again. Who knows, her next story might be about about a hunky folk singer who gets abducted by a spaceship full of hot looking alien women! I can't wait to see how it ends.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Don't skinny dip with snapping turtles.
From there we headed to Speedway Blvd, and out to the BMW dealership, which is just over the bridge from Main Street. After scoping out all the new bikes there we crossed the bridge and found a parking spot. Strolling down Main Street is where you get the real feel of this event. It seemed pretty mild on Friday, but there are times when it looks like a real freak show. You can tell the condition of the economy by the number of old sea hags dressed in body webs. Needless to say, the leading economic indicator was way down this year.
We headed for home pretty early in the afternoon, while we still had the strength. It was an overall great day to be out in the wind. We made it home safely with a minor sun burn as our only injury.
Saturday Guitar Bob Bronar and I played at the Old Florida Days at Erna Nixon Park in Melbourne, and we managed to have a good time. A woman and her husband approached us after we had finished playing to say they really liked our stuff. Turns out she is a published author who writes romance novels for Harlequin and thought one of my tunes would be great for a book trailer of her upcoming book. It would sure be my #1 claim to fame if it were to actually transpire. They bought a few CD's and we exchanged cards. I'm sure we'll see them again. Who knows, her next story might be about about a hunky folk singer who gets abducted by a spaceship full of hot looking alien women! I can't wait to see how it ends.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Don't skinny dip with snapping turtles.
old Florida fEst,
Osteen Diner
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day Eighty Two
I'm doing my best not to become a Facebook slut, you know the type. The hourly updates just to say they're having there morning coffee and an english muffin. Then an hour later they report that the sun looks really bright today. Look what Al Gore has done to us! The internet, it's not for everyone.
It looks like tomorrow is the day to ride to Daytona Beach for the annual Biketoberfest. We'll probably meander up the back roads and take in the cool country air. It should be fun if for no other reason than to put some miles on the rocket bike. I'll do my best not to come home with a new tattoo, I'm sure my fear of commitment will work in my favor on this one. I've thought about it, and I really can't think of anything I'd like to have permanently inscribed on my body. I've seen to many grannies with tinkerbell on their ankles to think that would be a good idea. No telling what else is going on under those moo moos!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Once you've outgrown the sand box, everything else is a scam.
My Accountant
It looks like tomorrow is the day to ride to Daytona Beach for the annual Biketoberfest. We'll probably meander up the back roads and take in the cool country air. It should be fun if for no other reason than to put some miles on the rocket bike. I'll do my best not to come home with a new tattoo, I'm sure my fear of commitment will work in my favor on this one. I've thought about it, and I really can't think of anything I'd like to have permanently inscribed on my body. I've seen to many grannies with tinkerbell on their ankles to think that would be a good idea. No telling what else is going on under those moo moos!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Once you've outgrown the sand box, everything else is a scam.
My Accountant
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day Eighty One
I bit the bullet and signed myself up for a Facebook page today, scary I know. I was abusing my lovely wife's page and I thought I might be violating some unwritten marital law. So before I got the book thrown at me, I did the right thing, and got my own page. Now I just have to hope I'm not tracked down by people I can't remember, or would rather not communicate with, or owe money to!
Our percussionist Norm "The Most Dangerous Man In Folk Music" McDonald has a new you tube video up that was recorded by Gail Carson at the Lake County Folk Festival. It's his tune Florida Bound , check it out before he has Gail pull it off the web.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Our percussionist Norm "The Most Dangerous Man In Folk Music" McDonald has a new you tube video up that was recorded by Gail Carson at the Lake County Folk Festival. It's his tune Florida Bound , check it out before he has Gail pull it off the web.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
“My parents didn't want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty and that's the law.” | |
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day Eighty
Not much to report today, I've been working for the past couple of weeks in my official position of cabinet maker. I've got a couple of jobs going on right now and a big job coming up for the first of the year. After that I may slip back into semi-retirement. At least I'm hoping!
This week is Biketoberfest up in Daytona Beach, I'm hoping to slip off for at least a day ride up to crazy town. There are always some interesting looking people wandering around up there, and the weather has been just beautiful for a ride. It's always better to go during the week when the place is not at full throttle and you can drive down Main Street without overheating. If I get up there, I'll give a full report on the insanity factor and cole slaw wrestling!
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
There are drunk bikers. There are old bikers. There are NO old, drunk bikers.
This week is Biketoberfest up in Daytona Beach, I'm hoping to slip off for at least a day ride up to crazy town. There are always some interesting looking people wandering around up there, and the weather has been just beautiful for a ride. It's always better to go during the week when the place is not at full throttle and you can drive down Main Street without overheating. If I get up there, I'll give a full report on the insanity factor and cole slaw wrestling!
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
There are drunk bikers. There are old bikers. There are NO old, drunk bikers.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day Seventy Nine and Weekend Report
I survived another Monday, hanging onto the weekend festivities. As I reported last week, we played the Lake County Folk Festival over the weekend. It was the kind of event where your sure you're going to wake up at any minute to find it was just a dream. There was a cool breeze blowing in all weekend from the north across Lake Eustis, keeping us comfortable even during the heat of the day. The Saturday evening show was just magical, a great line up of music, a cool breeze that the dragon flies seemed to really be enjoying, and a group of kids chasing each other across the lawn just north of the stage. All was right with the world, at least in Eustis!
Sunday was equally dreamy. We played two sets, one unplugged set in Harper's Alley, and our final set on the main stage just before the closing ceremonies. The Harper's Alley set went really well and we drew in a lot of folks off the street. At one point I took a survey to see how many folks had stopped by just to see our percussionist Norm Mcdonald, almost everyone raised their hands. Yes, he's a real crowd pleaser!
We were pretty well exhausted by our last set and I was starting to forget how to play the guitar, but we managed to get through it. We ended with our signature tune "The Ashley Gang" and were joined on stage by our good friends from Eustis Jeff Friberg, Steve Waters, and Harley, I didn't catch Harley's last name, but those guys really kicked it up a notch maybe even two. It was a great way to end a great weekend.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Friends are like bras: close to your heart and there for support.”
Sunday was equally dreamy. We played two sets, one unplugged set in Harper's Alley, and our final set on the main stage just before the closing ceremonies. The Harper's Alley set went really well and we drew in a lot of folks off the street. At one point I took a survey to see how many folks had stopped by just to see our percussionist Norm Mcdonald, almost everyone raised their hands. Yes, he's a real crowd pleaser!
We were pretty well exhausted by our last set and I was starting to forget how to play the guitar, but we managed to get through it. We ended with our signature tune "The Ashley Gang" and were joined on stage by our good friends from Eustis Jeff Friberg, Steve Waters, and Harley, I didn't catch Harley's last name, but those guys really kicked it up a notch maybe even two. It was a great way to end a great weekend.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Friends are like bras: close to your heart and there for support.”
Ashley Gang,
Lake County Folk Festival
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Day Seventy Eight
We're getting all geared up for the Lake County Folk Festival this weekend in Beautiful Downtown Eustis. We've been visiting Eustis now for a number of years and for some unexplainable reason the folks there have taken a real shine to us. And I'd have to say the feeling is mutual. The town is a hub of musical and artistic activity, and home to a bunch of friendly folks we've come to think of as family. There's always something going on in the historic downtown area thanks to a little organization called "Eustis Main Street" run by our good friend Wayne Carter. Wayne is also an official Harmonizing Ashley Gang Member, so you know he knows how to get things done. We always look forward to a visit to the best small town in America, Eustis, Fl.
Until tomorrow, or maybe monday, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Until tomorrow, or maybe monday, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don't know what you're doing, someone else does”
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Day Seventy Seven
I crafted some Djembe stands down at the cabinet shop the other day, I figure I may as well use all of this wood working equipment for my own evil purposes. I thought that our flute/djembe player might appreciate not having to sit down when she goes into djembe mode. I built one to use in the studio and one for the road. My first prototype was a bit aboriginal, but I improved my design for #2 in the series. I've got all the kinks worked out now and it works just like I planned it. It looks pretty stylish as well.
The trick to getting a good sound when recording one of these drums is to have one mic underneath it to pick up the bass frequencies and one mic on top to get the sound of the top. I've already used it in the studio for one track, a brush track for a song I've been messing around with. I think we'll debut it at our gig in Sebastian on November 5 at the library coffee house.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
People who don`t take care of their drums really annoy me.
John Bonham
The trick to getting a good sound when recording one of these drums is to have one mic underneath it to pick up the bass frequencies and one mic on top to get the sound of the top. I've already used it in the studio for one track, a brush track for a song I've been messing around with. I think we'll debut it at our gig in Sebastian on November 5 at the library coffee house.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
People who don`t take care of their drums really annoy me.
John Bonham
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Day Seventy Six
I've been working in cabinet land for a couple of weeks now, I guess the recession is over! I'd like to thank whoever is in charge up there for this cooler weather. It's the only thing keeping me from a massive cranial explosion. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, after all there are folks out there who would kill to have a job like mine. And there are days when I actually find myself amused by the goings on of this small enterprise.
After doing this for some time, and seeing a wide assortment of weirdos hired on to help, I've found out why they could not possibly work anywhere else in the world. We get the independent, artistic type, they always have there own way of doing things, no matter how many times you've instructed them on the way you want it done. They also tend to show up when it's most convenient for them, and I always like when they roll in an hour late because they knew there was nothing to do. Yes, there are times I find it amusing, until I realize why I'm working there, I'm just like them.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
A mysterious envelope will be mailed to you with a little window in it. Pay it.
After doing this for some time, and seeing a wide assortment of weirdos hired on to help, I've found out why they could not possibly work anywhere else in the world. We get the independent, artistic type, they always have there own way of doing things, no matter how many times you've instructed them on the way you want it done. They also tend to show up when it's most convenient for them, and I always like when they roll in an hour late because they knew there was nothing to do. Yes, there are times I find it amusing, until I realize why I'm working there, I'm just like them.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
A mysterious envelope will be mailed to you with a little window in it. Pay it.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Day Seventy Five & Weekend Update
Last Friday night we attended the Library Coffee House at the North County Library here in Sebastian. Our friends Ray & Chrystine, who call themselves Hair Peace were the entertainment for the evening. They did a superb job and were extremely entertaining. The played some covers some originals, all of them done very well. Ray is a great guitar and mandolin player as well as a great vocalist and Chrystine's no slouch on the guitar and harmonica. Not to mention her sweet vocals. If you see them passing through your neck of the woods check them out, you'll thank me for the tip.
Saturday night we attended a benefit for our dear departed friend Jennifer Goldacker, AKA, Java Jen. It was good to see so many folks turn out to say goodbye. Her and her Husband, Java John, have a long history of doing benefits for every charity under the sun, and we've played at a bunch of them. She will be missed by many, and I'm sure we will think of her often. I'll miss seeing here at our shows, sitting up close and singing along. I don't know how I'm going to remember the words without reading her lips.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"I do not know what your destiny will be, but one thing I
know: the only ones among you who will be truly happy
are those who will have sought and found how to serve."
....Albert Schweitzer
Saturday night we attended a benefit for our dear departed friend Jennifer Goldacker, AKA, Java Jen. It was good to see so many folks turn out to say goodbye. Her and her Husband, Java John, have a long history of doing benefits for every charity under the sun, and we've played at a bunch of them. She will be missed by many, and I'm sure we will think of her often. I'll miss seeing here at our shows, sitting up close and singing along. I don't know how I'm going to remember the words without reading her lips.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"I do not know what your destiny will be, but one thing I
know: the only ones among you who will be truly happy
are those who will have sought and found how to serve."
....Albert Schweitzer
Friday, October 1, 2010
Day Seventy Four
Well we're heading out the door to see some of our folk friends play at the world famous Sebastian Library.
The Friends of the Library sponsor a coffee house during the cooler months of the year, this months act is Hair Peace. We've known Ray and Christine for a while and they alway put on an entertaining show. Maybe we'll see you there!
You can now check out the latest tune called Gibtown on my music player. It took some doing, but I finally got it up and running. Let me know what you think.
Until Next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
The Friends of the Library sponsor a coffee house during the cooler months of the year, this months act is Hair Peace. We've known Ray and Christine for a while and they alway put on an entertaining show. Maybe we'll see you there!
You can now check out the latest tune called Gibtown on my music player. It took some doing, but I finally got it up and running. Let me know what you think.
Until Next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day Seventy Three
I was attempting to post a new tune on here for all the world to see, but I'm having some technical difficulties. In order for me to create a play list, I have to upload a song file to a hosting site, then on another site plug in the URL from that host site which then creates my play list. Sounds easy right? Well not so much. I either have lost my original password for the hosting site of there is a conspiracy at work here. I have submitted my e-mail to retrieve my password, but they are taking there sweet time in getting it to me. So here I sit awaiting the top secret password, damn this technology!
Well anyway, about this song which we can only hope to someday get up and running. I was looking through a book called Weird Florida just for kicks, and I stumbled on a story of a little town south of Tampa Bay that is the winter home to a number of circus and carnival folks. The town is officially called Gibsonton, but the locals call it Gibtown. So there you have it, the low down on the showtown. I'll post it as soon as I am able.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Well anyway, about this song which we can only hope to someday get up and running. I was looking through a book called Weird Florida just for kicks, and I stumbled on a story of a little town south of Tampa Bay that is the winter home to a number of circus and carnival folks. The town is officially called Gibsonton, but the locals call it Gibtown. So there you have it, the low down on the showtown. I'll post it as soon as I am able.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight.” | |
George Gobal |
Day Seventy Two
Sorry I didn't post last night, I had an important dinner engagement to attend to. By the time I got home I was in no condition to create.
I added a tune widget to the blog site from my Reverbnation site. I wasn't really sure what a tune widget was so I figured the best way to find out was to post one somewhere. Yes, I am my own guinea pig!
Until tonight, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.
~quotations on Experience. by Auguste Rodin
I added a tune widget to the blog site from my Reverbnation site. I wasn't really sure what a tune widget was so I figured the best way to find out was to post one somewhere. Yes, I am my own guinea pig!
Until tonight, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.
~quotations on Experience. by Auguste Rodin
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day Seventy One
I haven't had a chance to sit down and work on any tunes for a few days now, I'm starting to get a little irritated with this working for a living. I was really enjoying the freedom of unemployment, it gave me time to actually think. Once you come to the realization that you could keel over at anytime, working just to pay the bills seems like a real waste of valuable time. I guess I should have pondered all of this as a younger man.
I'm hoping to get a new tune wrapped up and posted to the blog this week. That was my original intention of putting the player on here. If I can get some time to work in the studio, I should be able to get it done. If I'm not abducted by aliens again!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.
Kung fu Proverb
I'm hoping to get a new tune wrapped up and posted to the blog this week. That was my original intention of putting the player on here. If I can get some time to work in the studio, I should be able to get it done. If I'm not abducted by aliens again!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.
Kung fu Proverb
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day Seventy & Weekend Update
A good time was had by all at our weekend shows, at least that's how I remember it. If anyone wasn't having a good time they failed to mention it. Saturday evening at the European Street cafe in Jacksonville flew by in the wink of an eye. It's a great room with a great staff and the perfect place to hear all kinds of great music. Ray Lewis books the talent there and works his butt of to put things together, thanks Ray! Our good friend Larry Mangum loaned us his mixer and amp and helped us get the sound up and running, thanks Larry! And a big thank you to all the folks who came out to hang out with us.
Sunday we meandered south to the world famous Osteen Diner, in where else, Osteen. Talk about a well kept secret. This is a great little place off the beaten path. Great food and a list of cakes and pies that will blow your mind. Rumor has it that the strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream was worth it's weight in gold. I resisted in an attempt to keep my boyish figure in tact. We had a small but appreciative crowd and we really enjoyed the afternoon. Barry Brogan opened up for us with his shiny chrome guitar and old time blues, thanks Barry! Our good friend Joe Waller helped us get set up and made sure all systems were go, thanks Joe.
It's plain to see we probably wouldn't survive out there without all of our good friends helping us out and lending a hand. Thanks everyone for being there for us, we appreciate it more than we can say.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Sunday we meandered south to the world famous Osteen Diner, in where else, Osteen. Talk about a well kept secret. This is a great little place off the beaten path. Great food and a list of cakes and pies that will blow your mind. Rumor has it that the strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream was worth it's weight in gold. I resisted in an attempt to keep my boyish figure in tact. We had a small but appreciative crowd and we really enjoyed the afternoon. Barry Brogan opened up for us with his shiny chrome guitar and old time blues, thanks Barry! Our good friend Joe Waller helped us get set up and made sure all systems were go, thanks Joe.
It's plain to see we probably wouldn't survive out there without all of our good friends helping us out and lending a hand. Thanks everyone for being there for us, we appreciate it more than we can say.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
“Friends are God's way of apologizing to us for our families.”
Friday, September 24, 2010
Day Sixty Nine
Well it's Friday, and tomorrow I head for Jacksonville. The longest 200 miles on the east coast. We'll be gathering for a show at the European Street Cafe and Listening Room tomorrow night. The entire Ashley gang will be there, yes, even Norm McDonald! Then On Sunday afternoon we'll be at the Osteen Diner, for the Central Florida Folk Club Concert Series. I understand the food there is great and the beer is cold and tasty. So if your not washing your hair or doing the laundry come on out and see us at one or both of these shows. We'll make sure you get home before your coach turns back into a pumpkin.
Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot."
---Steven Wright
Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
"There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot."
---Steven Wright
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day Sixty Eight
Our good friend Java Jennifer is in the hospital, she's putting up a hell of a fight as the Ashley Gang would say. She has been struggling with cancer for a number of years, and we had hoped that she had whipped it. Unfortunately that's not the case.
Jennifer and her multi talented husband Java John have been friends of ours for many years. They owned and operated Kool Beanz one of the greatest coffee houses and acoustic music venues in Brevard County.
We played there quite often and it was always a comfortable family atmosphere. We got to know a lot of great local talent there and made some good friends along the way. We've seen John and Jen's son Dylan grow from a little bambino into a fine young man. Time flies when your not paying attention. Jen, John, and Dylan, you are in our thoughts.
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day Sixty Seven
After working on promotional things for a couple of days, I've determined you could spend the entire week on your computer sending out e-mails and show promos. But that doesn't seem all that musical to me. I guess it all comes down to time management. I think once I've got this Reverbnation thing set up I'll set aside one day of the week for updating it. Then I can get back to writing and recording on a regular basis. It's that or hire an assistant, and seeing as how I can't even pay myself, I don't think that option is going to work out all that well.
I'm still refining my carnie song. I know, your thinking how long can a guy screw around with one song. I've got issues with the way words and phrases sound, I never could afford the necessary therapy to rise above this affliction. A line may makes sense and seems to fit, but if it doesn't slip right into my ear, I just can't live with it. It's kind of like a puzzle piece that almost works but isn't quite right, you just can't force it. Soon, very soon, it will all come together.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
I'm still refining my carnie song. I know, your thinking how long can a guy screw around with one song. I've got issues with the way words and phrases sound, I never could afford the necessary therapy to rise above this affliction. A line may makes sense and seems to fit, but if it doesn't slip right into my ear, I just can't live with it. It's kind of like a puzzle piece that almost works but isn't quite right, you just can't force it. Soon, very soon, it will all come together.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
'Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators.
William Saroyan
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day Sixty Six
Another day of reverberations. I spent some more time getting set up, and mostly not having any idea of what I was actually doing. I'm pretty sure I now have accidental links all over the world, I could very well be voted the internet nuisance of the month. I started out at #7 on the prestigious Sebastian Folk Charts, truly an indicator of ones future success and wealth, and am now at #4. Yes, the fame and fortune can't be far off now.
I need to start thinking about our gigs coming up this weekend. It's almost time to start piling up gear by the door in hopes of not forgetting anything important. I need to put fresh strings on the guitar and program some addresses into the Garmin. Saturday night we'll be in Jacksonville at the European Street Cafe and Sunday afternoon we'll be at The Osteen Diner. A good time will be had by all.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ~St. Augustine
I need to start thinking about our gigs coming up this weekend. It's almost time to start piling up gear by the door in hopes of not forgetting anything important. I need to put fresh strings on the guitar and program some addresses into the Garmin. Saturday night we'll be in Jacksonville at the European Street Cafe and Sunday afternoon we'll be at The Osteen Diner. A good time will be had by all.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ~St. Augustine
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day Sixty Five
Today was full of adventures! I did my darndest to get something going on Reverbnation.com, and I'm just hoping that I don't piss anyone off in the process. I have to say that from a musicians perspective they have an awful lot of great features for promoting ones music. At the same time, they offer so much it can be a daunting experience getting the thing up and running. But I think given some time and patience I can make some magic with it.
At this point I'm #7 on the Sebastian Folk Charts? Now that would be impressive if I lived in Orlando Or Jacksonville, but in Sebastian that's nothing to write home about. Heck, I didn't even know Sebastian had a folk Chart. I'm guessing that there are 6 other people in the area who were brave enough to admit they play folk music. I took a look at my fellow local folksters and didn't see anyone I know. It may be an elaborate conspiracy, put in place by the FCC to keep me on the bottom of the charts and off the radio. Damn that Obama!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
“You have woken up the sleeping giant. … I’ll have a pitch-off with you any time Vince. …”
- Billy Mays
At this point I'm #7 on the Sebastian Folk Charts? Now that would be impressive if I lived in Orlando Or Jacksonville, but in Sebastian that's nothing to write home about. Heck, I didn't even know Sebastian had a folk Chart. I'm guessing that there are 6 other people in the area who were brave enough to admit they play folk music. I took a look at my fellow local folksters and didn't see anyone I know. It may be an elaborate conspiracy, put in place by the FCC to keep me on the bottom of the charts and off the radio. Damn that Obama!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
“You have woken up the sleeping giant. … I’ll have a pitch-off with you any time Vince. …”
- Billy Mays
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day Sixty Four
Here it is Friday again, that time of the week when you have to stop and ask yourself if you've earned your keep. A time to reflect upon your labors and see if in some small way you have made a difference in the world. Maybe you didn't find a cure for malaria or come up with a plan to save the global economy, but those things are best left to the professionals. And if after thoughtful consideration you feel as if you haven't met your personal goals for the week, remember, there is always next week. The world will still be a mess, and there will be a million small ways for you to help make it better. Carry on!
No music today, I had some work to do at the Winchester mansion. It's not actually the Winchester mansion, but it reminds me of that because it has had so many additions, it's almost in two different zip codes. Stairways to nowhere, and two story decking. It's quite a unique structure, and now I have added my own special touches which I shall not elaborate on. Every time I think I'm finishing this project up, another wave of creativity strikes the owner and I'm adding on to the mansion once again. It's like one of those stories where the gypsy tells the owner that as long as he keeps adding to the house he will never die. But I think we all know how that story ends, we find out the gypsies brother owns the local lumber yard.
Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
No music today, I had some work to do at the Winchester mansion. It's not actually the Winchester mansion, but it reminds me of that because it has had so many additions, it's almost in two different zip codes. Stairways to nowhere, and two story decking. It's quite a unique structure, and now I have added my own special touches which I shall not elaborate on. Every time I think I'm finishing this project up, another wave of creativity strikes the owner and I'm adding on to the mansion once again. It's like one of those stories where the gypsy tells the owner that as long as he keeps adding to the house he will never die. But I think we all know how that story ends, we find out the gypsies brother owns the local lumber yard.
Until next week, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. And scratch where it itches.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day Sixty Three
The good news is that the number of Americans living in poverty has increased significantly, the bad news is...... really what could be worse than that. I guess the bad news is that this economic shit storm is really just gaining momentum, regardless of what the powers that be might be saying. I'm not one to talk conspiracies, from what I've seen, most Americans have been conspiring against themselves for a good long while. Buying crap they couldn't pay for and putting off the payments until next year, get real you idiots. I'm no historian, but I think this is what might have happened in ancient Rome. They were all having a great time, orgies and togas on every street corner. Putting there lavish life styles on their Roman Express cards. Thinking to themselves, hey everyone else is doing it. That is the kiss of death, everyone else is doing it. Didn't we learn anything when our Mother's warned us "if Billy jumped off a bridge would you do it too?" The lesson there was a simple one, if you see someone doing something stupid, don't get in line with the stunods. All we can do is hope we come out of this thing without to many scars, and a roof over our heads. And remember if you see the stunods lining up, go in the opposite direction.
Until tomorrow, Here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Blessed are the young, for they will inherit the national debt.
Herbert Hoover
Until tomorrow, Here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Blessed are the young, for they will inherit the national debt.
Herbert Hoover
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day Sixty Two
Today was one of those days where I just couldn't seem to accomplish anything of value. I worked on some tunes in the morning, the carnival tunes got me working overtime. Trying to find just the right carnival terminology, and then making it rhyme isn't as easy as one might think. But I like the feel of this thing so I'll keep working on it.
I then whipped up a batch of my famous magic flax seed muffins. These are from a closely guarded secret family recipe passed down from my Great Aunt Rose, who created them while working as a pastry chef for the Pope in vatican City. It has been said that when she presented the Pope with the first batch of these magical muffins he had been suffering from an unholy case of constipation. Soon after consuming one of the culinary treats he proclaimed them as irrefutable proof that God truly moves things in mysterious ways. Amen!
That's it for today, here's your daily words of wisdom:
It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
Unknown Genius
I then whipped up a batch of my famous magic flax seed muffins. These are from a closely guarded secret family recipe passed down from my Great Aunt Rose, who created them while working as a pastry chef for the Pope in vatican City. It has been said that when she presented the Pope with the first batch of these magical muffins he had been suffering from an unholy case of constipation. Soon after consuming one of the culinary treats he proclaimed them as irrefutable proof that God truly moves things in mysterious ways. Amen!
That's it for today, here's your daily words of wisdom:
It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
Unknown Genius
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day Sixty One
My mission to create a corn hole game has been completed. My son in law is a Michigan fan so I themed them up for him. I'm not a big sports fan, actually I'm not a sports fan at all. I know that might be considered un american, but I never understood the obsession with sports that runs rampant in this country. It's part of my mental disability, I may have been dropped on my head as a baby. I don't care much for apple pie either.
I didn't have time for any musical activities today. I still need to get that door bell out of my guitar track from yesterday. That UPS guy has got it in for me. This afternoon I decided to shut my eyes for a few winks, and wouldn't you know it, that darn guy shows up with a delivery and rings the damn door bell.
I think I'm going to disarm that thing, it's really disrupting my creativity.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Most of us are open-minded about new things - as long as they're just like the old ones.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day Sixty
I was abducted by aliens! Yes, it's true, what other reason could there be for not posting on Friday. Fortunately they returned me in reasonably good condition, they decided I was to old a specimen to do them any good. So after a couple minor probes and a spin around the earth they dropped me off at home. I don't think I'll report this to the authorities, they have a way of making you look crazy when you try to explain things like this. I've seen enough movies to know the drill.
The weekend went well, and I squeezed in a little music. Bob "Guitar" Bronar came over and we worked off some of the rust, and there was plenty. We're going to be doing a dynamic duo gig in October, so we thought it would be a good idea to work some material up for that.
Today I managed to sit down and record a new tune. It gave me some trouble initially, but I managed to tame it. When I finally got everything done to my satisfaction I was listening back and heard this strange tinkling noise in one place on the guitar tracks. Apparently the UPS guy dropped off a package while I was recording the guitar part, and rang the door bell. Thanks Mr. UPS! I couldn't hear it ring because I was wearing headphones at the time. I guess I'll have to do it again tomorrow.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Every path has some puddles.
Hillbilly Wisdom
The weekend went well, and I squeezed in a little music. Bob "Guitar" Bronar came over and we worked off some of the rust, and there was plenty. We're going to be doing a dynamic duo gig in October, so we thought it would be a good idea to work some material up for that.
Today I managed to sit down and record a new tune. It gave me some trouble initially, but I managed to tame it. When I finally got everything done to my satisfaction I was listening back and heard this strange tinkling noise in one place on the guitar tracks. Apparently the UPS guy dropped off a package while I was recording the guitar part, and rang the door bell. Thanks Mr. UPS! I couldn't hear it ring because I was wearing headphones at the time. I guess I'll have to do it again tomorrow.
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Every path has some puddles.
Hillbilly Wisdom
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day Fifty Eight
Fifty three years ago on a warm summer night in New Jersey I completed my journey from the other side into the new world. I think I spent the first three years here crying, although I can't recall why. I probably just missed wherever it was I came from. I'm surprised my parents didn't return me, claiming they must have gotten the wrong baby. I don't remember much about where I was before I arrived here, but I have a faint memory of just hanging around and not making to many critical decisions. Kind of like being a teen ager with a bag of pot, which would also explain these memory lapses. It has taken me a lot of years to get used to this place, but I feel like I'm finally settling in. It just goes to show, you can get used to almost anything.
That's it for today, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
That's it for today, here's your daily dose of wisdom:
Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened. Cora Harvey Armstrong
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day Fifty Seven
You've got to love the four day work week. It will be over before I'm even warmed up.
Today we attacked the previously mentioned bead board project. Everything seems to have worked out, and we are ready for paint. The inspector General, my daughter, has given the technicians, my son in law and I, permission to move into the final phase of the project. I think we may survive this!
I ordered some musical supplies today in preparation for some pretty heavy duty gigs we've got lined up for the fall. I just used my last set of strings before our last gig so I've ordered a box of 10 sets of D'addario EJ16's, a box usually gets me through a few months. I've been using these strings for quite a while and have yet to find a string I like as well. I also ordered some fresh flat picks and thumb picks, I'm ready for the mooches now!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil - Jerry Garcia
Today we attacked the previously mentioned bead board project. Everything seems to have worked out, and we are ready for paint. The inspector General, my daughter, has given the technicians, my son in law and I, permission to move into the final phase of the project. I think we may survive this!
I ordered some musical supplies today in preparation for some pretty heavy duty gigs we've got lined up for the fall. I just used my last set of strings before our last gig so I've ordered a box of 10 sets of D'addario EJ16's, a box usually gets me through a few months. I've been using these strings for quite a while and have yet to find a string I like as well. I also ordered some fresh flat picks and thumb picks, I'm ready for the mooches now!
Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil - Jerry Garcia
D'addario strings,
flat picks,
thumb picks
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day Fifty Six & Weekend Update
I'm sure many a Budweiser and BBQ rib were consumed during the Labor Day weekend. I kept it low key and did my best not to annoy to many folks, sometimes that's not easy.
My latest song writing project about the winter home to a slew of carnival acts is coming along pretty well. I'm still polishing up the rough edges but I think it may become a cult classic. Imagine how creepy it would be to accidentally wander into a town full of carnies and side show acts. Twilight Zone kind of stuff, not to mention the clown factor. I know that clowns are supposed to be funny, but I just don't get that. They're scarier than any sci fi creature ever created. Try not to think about it, you'll have nightmares tonight.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
I had a friend who was a clown. When he died, all his friends went to the funeral in one car.
Steven Wright
My latest song writing project about the winter home to a slew of carnival acts is coming along pretty well. I'm still polishing up the rough edges but I think it may become a cult classic. Imagine how creepy it would be to accidentally wander into a town full of carnies and side show acts. Twilight Zone kind of stuff, not to mention the clown factor. I know that clowns are supposed to be funny, but I just don't get that. They're scarier than any sci fi creature ever created. Try not to think about it, you'll have nightmares tonight.
Until Tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:
I had a friend who was a clown. When he died, all his friends went to the funeral in one car.
Steven Wright
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day Fifty five
Friday has arrived once more. It has really lost its meaning now that my work schedule is so flakey. But in the spirit of Labor Day, I'll rejoice in it's arrival just as if I've been working my butt off. It's very generous of the powers that be to give the working man a day for himself. Where else in the world do you get treated like crap 364 days of the year, and then on day 365 you get to feel guilty about not working. Oh yea, only in America baby.
I've started to do some research for a new tune. Every year I enter a song into the Will McLean song writing competition, all entries must be written about Florida or it's inhabitants or history. I usually have a problem with this, and I don't expect anything to change in the foreseeable future. I was looking through a book called Weird Florida and stumbled onto a story about a little town called Gibsonton, where the carnival folks used to stay for the winter. Yes, the bearded lady, the sword swallower, the flame thrower, a giant and his dwarfish wife. It just doesn't get any better than this. So I'll see if I can conjure up a tune based on this freakish bit of history. Wish me luck.
Until next week, here's your daily words of wisdom:
"Carnies built this country, the carnival part anyway".
Homer Simpson
I've started to do some research for a new tune. Every year I enter a song into the Will McLean song writing competition, all entries must be written about Florida or it's inhabitants or history. I usually have a problem with this, and I don't expect anything to change in the foreseeable future. I was looking through a book called Weird Florida and stumbled onto a story about a little town called Gibsonton, where the carnival folks used to stay for the winter. Yes, the bearded lady, the sword swallower, the flame thrower, a giant and his dwarfish wife. It just doesn't get any better than this. So I'll see if I can conjure up a tune based on this freakish bit of history. Wish me luck.
Until next week, here's your daily words of wisdom:
"Carnies built this country, the carnival part anyway".
Homer Simpson
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day Fifty four
Today I went on various missions for my pregnant daughter. She is in full nesting mode and I'm doing my best to accommodate her. She has some grandiose decorating concepts for the baby's room, and I have been elected to help my son in law with the project. Being handy isn't all it's cracked up to be. But honestly, I don't mind helping out in this time of need, after all that's what fathers are for. We'll be putting bead board on the lower 2/3 of the wall and capping it off with chair rail, along with some window trim. I'm sure it will look stunning, my greatest fear is that it will look so stunning she'll want to do it in other rooms. We'll do our best without exceeding her expectations, that usually works.
No time in the studio today, but I managed to wrangle up a gig for january at the world famous Yalaha Bakery. If you've never visited the place you owe it to yourself to get there. It's an old world german style bakery, amazing fresh baked goods and german treats. It's a life altering experience. Maybe we'll see you there in January.
That's it for today, Here's your daily words of wisdom:
It is much easier to become a father than to be one."
Kent Nerburn
No time in the studio today, but I managed to wrangle up a gig for january at the world famous Yalaha Bakery. If you've never visited the place you owe it to yourself to get there. It's an old world german style bakery, amazing fresh baked goods and german treats. It's a life altering experience. Maybe we'll see you there in January.
That's it for today, Here's your daily words of wisdom:
It is much easier to become a father than to be one."
Kent Nerburn
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