Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day Seventy Six

I've been working in cabinet land for a couple of weeks now,  I guess the recession is over!   I'd like to thank whoever is in charge up there for this cooler weather.  It's the only thing keeping me from a massive cranial explosion.  I'm trying to  keep a positive attitude, after all there are folks out there who would kill to have a job like mine.  And there are days when I actually find myself amused by the goings on of this small enterprise.
      After doing this for some time, and seeing a wide assortment of weirdos hired on to help, I've found out why they could not possibly work anywhere else in the world.  We get the independent, artistic type, they always have there own way of doing things, no matter how many times you've instructed them on the way you want it done.  They also tend to show up when it's most convenient for them, and I always like when they roll in an hour late because they knew there was nothing to do.  Yes, there are times I find it amusing, until I realize why I'm working there, I'm just like them.  
  Until Tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:

    A mysterious envelope will be mailed to you with a little window in it.  Pay it.


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