Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day One Hundred and Two

 A long time ago in a land far away there was an average guy with an average family who held an average job.  After years of being average he decided he wanted something more, so he packed his things one day and said goodbye to everyone he knew.  His family couldn't believe it, all they could do was wonder what snapped inside his average head.  His friends all said, yea, we saw this coming, we just didn't know when it would happen.
   So Mr. Average travelled the world in search of the thing he was sure was missing in his life.  He visited every continent, some twice, but the thing just couldn't be found.  He hooked up with women from all over, most of them thinking he was a wealthy American.  He married some of them, sometimes without knowing it, the language barrier can really trip you up.  They eventually discovered he was just an average American, not a wealthy one, and left him a little poorer than they had found him.  
    Eventually what money he did have ran out, and with it, the kindness of his so called friends.  Now old and tired and unable to take care of himself, he wanted to go home.  The family he had left behind so many years ago would take him in he thought.  They'd have mercy on him in his old age and forgive him for his indiscretions.  And it was there, sitting in a wheelchair in an airport far from his home and everyone he knew he finally realized what it was that he had been searching for.  The life he had run away from.  

  Until tomorrow, here's your daily dose of wisdom:

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