Friday, July 16, 2010

Day Twenty five

Another week bites the dust,.  Let's recap the highlights of the week, BP seems to have sealed up the giant oil gusher in the gulf of Mexico,  better late than never.  That stuff will be swirling around out there for  many years to come.  You'll no longer have to add oil to the pan when frying fish from the gulf.
    Mel Gibson seems to have risen to a new level of insanity, the only thing crazier is that it gets reported as news.
   And Joe Biden didn't say anything stupid this week, at least not in public.
On the musical front, I am attempting to stay focused on my songwriting and recording, which is never easy with a terminal case of ADHD.  I may even have lucked into a possible larger facility to set up shop in.  I'll post any updates as this develops.  One thing I've learned about life is not to count your chicken legs until you've safely retrieved them from the grill.
  I guess that's about it for now, until next week.
  Here's your thought for the day:

“Good judgment comes from experience,
and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.”


  1. I'm disappointed -- I thought for sure you'd use my dog quote.

  2. While it was tempting, I thought I'd already caused enough trouble for one week.
