I've been lurking on e-bay, watching a couple Neumann TLM49 microphones that started off at $600. These mic's go for about $1500 new, so I was tantalized to the max. But with two days left, the noodle heads have already driven it to the $900 mark. What kind of poker players are these people, can't they chill until the auction nears it's close. Maybe my philosophy on this is screwed up, but I'm pretty sure it's not me, it's the rest of the world. At that price I'd rather not chance buying a used piece of gear that may have been used to record someone's fourth of july fireworks explosions. And there is no telling what the final price on this might be. I'd prefer some kind of warranty if I'm going to spend $1200. So I will put my lurking hat back on and wait patiently for the deal of the century.
I sent out an e-mail notice today to alert people to the upcoming Ashley Gang gigs. Hopefully it will cause people to rethink their plans to sit on the couch this weekend and turn into zombies. I know the weather dudes are talking some kind of tropical system making the scene, but don't let something like a little rain keep you from hanging out at the cool table.

Until Tomorrow, Your daily words of wisdom:
Eat a live toad in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.
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