Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day Thirty Nine

Is it Thursday already?  There should be a support group for people returning from vacation, it could help ease them back to reality.  Maybe I'll start one, it could be fun messing with their heads while they're still unable to defend themselves.  All these great ideas and no marketing skills, it's a real shame.
    I managed to put out some promo stuff on the infamous facebook page today.  I hate to bug the crap out of people with an onslought of promotional stuff they could care less about, but I guess that's how you get their attention.  As I said, my marketing skills are not my strongest asset.  Which makes me wonder, what is my strongest asset.  I don't really know, I'll have to ask around.
   I also sat down and recorded one of my latest creations, I think it went pretty well.  I wont really know until I've gone through the cooling down period, an essential recording technique. What sounds like gold on Monday might be aluminum foil by Wednesday.   I'm kind of leaning towards some drums and bluesy guitar for this one, or maybe saxophone.  We'll see how things develop, and if it passes the aluminum foil test. 
  Until tomorrow, here's your daily words of wisdom:

My ultimate vocation in life is to be an irritant.

-- Elvis Costello

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