Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day Forty Three

We're shifting into high gear now in preparation for the weekend shows.  Everyones accommodations have been taken care of, the set list has been configured, and now we just need to get all our gear together.  It's a lot of work this music thing, and there's not much money in it.  But when you get on stage and see a bunch of folks out in the audience singing along with you, that's the best paycheck your ever going to get.  Now if I could just figure out how to pay the electric bill.
    I'm still in the process of tweaking the drum tracks on the latest tune, but I think I'm getting close to what I want it to sound like.  I've sent it out to the rest of the band for critique, they haven't flamed me yet, so I guess it's working for them.  Being in a band can be a delicate situation, we're all good friends, but occasionally someone will  get their twinkie stepped on.  It's just the nature of things.   Then we do damage control,  have a beer or glass of wine, and put it behind us.  It's just like running a small country, we don't have universal medical care either.
That's about it for today, here's your daily words of wisdom:

Modern music is as dangerous as cocaine


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