Another year has come and gone and I can already hear the resolutions falling by the way side. I haven't really committed to any resolutions this time around, I've already given up all the easy bad habits. I don't smoke, don't drink, I stopped eating meat on my last birthday, I've even gone so far as to exercise every morning, so what's left? I suppose I could work on becoming a better human being, but that kind of goes against my nature. I could commit to writing a song every week, but that would probably be more difficult than exercising every morning, and under that kind of pressure I could probably count on turning out at least fifty bad songs by the end of the year. So here I am, in search of a resolution that make some sense, any suggestions will be thoughtfully considered. Just don't expect me to give up my morning coffee, that would definitely take the better human being resolution off the table.
Happy New Year!